High School
Dasmesh students in Grades 9 and 10 are taught 11 different subjects by a team of nine specialty teachers.
Compulsory subjects taught in high school are:
- English Language Arts
- French
- Mathematics
- Science
- Social Studies: Canada in the Contemporary World
- Physical Education / Health Education
Optional Subjects taught in high school are:
- French
- Geographic Issues of the 21st Century
- Intro to Applied & Pre- Calculus
- Computer Science
- Desktop Publishing
- Transitional Mathematics
- Keyboarding
- Business
- Personal Finance
- Career Development: Life Work Exploration
- Digital Pictures
- Dance
- Music
The goal in our High School program is to successfully prepare each individual student with the skills they require for their entrance into secondary school.
To achieve this goal, we focus on the following principles:
Manitoba Curriculum Documents
Grade |
Subject |
Curriculum Document |
Grade 9 – 10 |
Math |
Grade 9 – 10 |
Grade 9 |
Science |
Grade 10 |
Science |
Grade 9 – 10 |
Physical Education |
Grade 9 – 10 |
Social Studies |